Damaged Laptop Power Cord

Damaged Laptop Power Cord  

We all love our pets, but they sometimes do things that really want us to do something unspeakable to them like eat right through a laptop power cord.  I get calls all the time regarding this and often just guide a frustrated pet owner to where they can purchase a new  cord.  There are a few things to keep in mind with  getting  a new  power adapter for your notebook PC, but first let’s review some other thoughts.

If the cord’s black (typically black) coating around the wire is torn, but there are no exposed wire beneath it, then you could simply use a little electric tape to remedy the problem.  However if the cord has exposed wire, barely holding together, or completely shredded , then you will need a new  cord.

Some Points to Know:

•  Not all adapters are created equally, be sure if you are purchasing power adapter for your laptop it is rated for your laptop.  If you get a generic brand adapter (saves a lot of money) that is under voltage and wattage requirements, then your systems will either not boot, and/or not supply enough power to run the laptop and charge the battery.

•  While buying a brand name cord (manufacturer original) will most definitely work for your laptop, it will also cost as much as and sometimes more than 50% more than an equally as good off brand or universal power adapter.

•  When buying your next adapter, why not purchase a universal cord?  This will work with your next computer as well as allow you to interchange the tips for car travel and maybe even a cell phone charger.

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